How do I integrate payment options such as PayPal?

You can use PayPal or any other payment gateway to receive your entry fee payments. Since most use PayPal, we'll show you how you add a PayPal payment button to your call. Please contact us if you'd like to use a different payment gateway or, as always, if you have any questions at all on this.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. When entrants click the 'Submit this Entry' button for their entry, whatever you enter in the call settings field 'Default Instructions for Entrants After Entry is Submitted' is displayed. You can add any text instructions for submitting payments (such as an address for sending checks) and the html code for a PayPal button that'll take the entrant to your Paypal payment page. Use the form below to generate the html code for your Paypal button and copy and paste it into the call settings field 'Default Instructions for Entrants After Entry is Submitted'.
  2. You can replace the "Submit this Entry' button with a PayPal payment button that automatically sets the status of the entry to 'Submitted' when the entrant pays the fee through Paypal. Use the form below to generate the html code for your Paypal button, make sure you select the option "I'm replacing the 'SUBMIT THIS ENTRY' button with this Paypal button" and copy and paste the html code into the call settings field "Replace 'SUBMIT THIS ENTRY' button with:". NoteIf you're using this option, please add some text above the PayPal button code that tells the entrants that they have to click the PayPal button to pay their entry fee and submit their entry.

Fill out the form below to generate your PayPal button html code. The button will automatically add the call name to the Paypal item name and the entry number to the item number so you'll know which payments belong to which entries. It will calculate the price based on the selections you make below for each entrant.

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