I'd like to style specific elements of the EntryThingy user interface with CSS

Many of the elements of the EntryThingy user interface can be styled with CSS. This is how it works:

First of all, take a look at the default css here: http://entrythingy.s3.amazonaws.com/resources/entrythingy_widget1.css. You'll see classes from et_logininput through .et_editentryinput - change those to style the respective elements. There's also et_savebutton through et_cancelbutton - use those to style the buttons.

There are some more classes that start with pt... those are used to add margins to UI elements - maybe you want to play around with those as well. ptp, for example is used to style <p>s.

The default css file is loaded dynamically by the JS so you won't be able to override it with a header link - add the following line just above the entryThingy(); statement in the EntryThingy HTML/JS code to point to your own CSS file:


Please contact us if you have any questions on any of this!

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