Explain what the entry statuses mean?

Each entry can have one of the following statuses - use them to manage your entries. Simply select an status from the dropdown for each entry to change that entry's status:

  • Not submitted: Before an entrant clicks the 'Submit this entry' button. They may not have uploaded all of their images yet. No token has been subtracted from your token account.
  • Submitted: The entrant clicked the 'Submit this entry' button and can see the 'Instructions for Entrants After Entry is Submitted'. One token has been subtracted from your token account. If you set the status back to 'Not submitted', you will be credited one token. You may want to do this if an entrant needs to change their entry.
  • Show to jury: Only entries set to this status will be visible to jurors. This applies to the online and offline jury views.
  • Accepted: The entry has been accepted for the show. Use [update status] to automatically set this status based on juror points. Only entries with this status will show in the accepted entries thumbnail widget (click [download] -> [widgets] from the entries list).
  • Not accepted: The entry has not been accepted for the show.
  • Waitlisted: The entry is on the waitlist.
  • Withdrawn/Refund: The entry has been withdrawn and a refund was sent.
  • Withdrawn/No Ref.: The entry has been withdrawn and a refund was not sent.
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